Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review
Well I thought it would be a good idea to tell you all about this game because Star Wars rules all! Unfortunately this game does not. I was very excited to play this game because of the Star Wars factor since its release. So I rented it and found it hard to even finish the game. Surprised? I was. You'd think that just about any Star Wars game would be worth playing through, but not this one. The only reason you might want to someday is to get the George Lucas approved official story line.
This game had a great opening were you play as the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. It was fun and had me looking forward to more. But as a couple of levels went by, the excitement was drowned by repetitiveness and boring enemies. I even thought that maybe I could shake things up by entering a code to unlock all Force abilities and found it still to be dull. There is only so many times you can pick up something with the force and throw it at someone before getting old. Also, to me the most fun part about Star Wars games is the lightsaber battles. But in the course of the levels it seemed to be very insignificant. You would have to hit the enemies about 4-5 times before dying and that was on the easy setting.
The only lightsaber worthy parts of the game were the boss battles against the last few Jedi. They were a lot of fun and a good challenge.
Maybe I am being a little harsh for whatever reasons, but I give Star Wars: The Force Unleashed a 6.0 out of 10